Streamlining Form Module Code in Standalone Class Module.
Reminder Popup Form.
Understanding the significance of reminders is paramount. When it comes to important occasions such as a family member's or friend's birthday, adequate preparation time is crucial. Being notified at least two days beforehand ensures that we don't overlook these events amidst our busy schedules and other pressing commitments.
When considering business-related activities, let's examine the Inventory System of a Pharmacy as an example. It's imperative to print out a list of medicines that fall below the minimum stock level or reach reorder levels on the 25th of each month to facilitate stock replenishment by placing orders promptly.
Seasonal demands necessitate an increased stock of certain medicines during winter. By analyzing the winter season requirements of the past few years, we can identify medicines with high demand and proactively place orders for enhanced stock from suppliers well in advance before the onset of winter.
Any tasks requiring advanced alerts or scheduled notifications can be programmed to trigger a popup Form or Report displaying pertinent information. This ensures prompt action and timely attention to important matters.
The Birthday Experiment.
Here, we will experiment with this feature with the Employees Table, added with two new Fields: BirthDate and BFlag. The birthDate field is filled with some assumed date of birth dates. The Date of Birth Day and Month are translated to the current year Date (the birth date 14-March-1961 calculated to 14-March-2024) to find the birthday this year. The BFlag Logical Field is updated to True when the Birthday Greetings is printed from the alert Popup Form.
The Alerts are programmed to run in three stages:
- A pop-up form appears 48 hours before the individual's birthday and recurs again on the eve of the celebration.
The pop-up form will display on the birthday when the database is accessed. A straightforward birthday greeting card is generated directly from the pop-up form in PDF format. Upon completing the card printing process, the Employees Table field BFlag is marked as True, ensuring the pop-up won't reappear when the database is open again.
- If the Birthday Greetings is not printed and the BFlag Field is not set to True, the alert pop-up will appear for the next two days after the due date, indicating as overdue case(s).
Initially, we establish an input Query named Birthday_RemData, which includes a new column dedicated to computing each employee's birthday for the Current Year, sourced from the BirthDate field within the Employees1 table. The Birthday_RemData Query is the foundational dataset for categorizing data into the above three categories for pop-up forms.
The Employees1 Table Image.
The Employees1 Table image is given below, with the required Fields, for ready reference.
Reminder Data Filtering Queries.
The SQL of the Input Query, with the current year Date of Birth, is calculated for each Employee, from the actual Date of Birth in the Table given below:
Query Name: BirthDay_RemData (Birthday Reminder Input Data).
SELECT Employees1.EmployeeID, [FirstName] & " " & [LastName] AS Name, Employees1.BirthDate, Employees1.BFlag, DateDiff("yyyy",[birthdate],Date()) AS Age, DateValue(Format([BirthDate],"dd/mm") & "-" & CStr(Year(Date()))) AS DueDate FROM Employees1;
1. Query: RemindQ1_OnDate - to filter data for Popup on the actual BirthD\ay:
SELECT BirthDay_RemData.* FROM BirthDay_RemData WHERE (((BirthDay_RemData.DueDate)=Date()) AND ((BirthDay_RemData.BFlag)=False));
2. Query: RemindQ2_Advance - to filter data for Popup that appears two days before the BirthDay:
SELECT BirthDay_RemData.* FROM BirthDay_RemData WHERE (((BirthDay_RemData.BFlag)=False) AND (([DueDate]-1)=Date())) OR (((BirthDay_RemData.BFlag)=False) AND (([DueDate]-2)=Date()));
3. Query: RemindQ3_OverDue - to filter data for Popup that appears two days After the BirthDay, if the birthday card is not printed on the Birthday.:
SELECT BirthDay_RemData.* FROM BirthDay_RemData WHERE (((BirthDay_RemData.BFlag)=False) AND (([DueDate]+1)=Date())) OR (((BirthDay_RemData.BFlag)=False) AND (([DueDate]+2)=Date()));
The RemindQ1_OnDate Query is the source Data of the Reminder1 Popup Form. The Reminder2 and Reminder3 Forms are linked to the RemindQ2_Advance and RemindQ3_Overdue Queries respectively. All three are Tabular Forms.
Reminder POPUP Forms.
1. The Remnder1 Popup Form Image is given below for reference.
The employee records with birthdays matching today’s date will be displayed on the Form, showing their actual date of birth and the birthday for the current year in separate columns. You can print the greeting card by clicking the “Print PDF Greeting” Command Button. The default path of the greeting’s target location can be temporarily altered in the text box directly. You can make the change permanent in the Default Value Property of the text box in the design view.
The Advance and Overdue Reminder Popups may show Day/Month in both columns differently. The Printing option is not available in the Form Footer Section on the Advance and Overdue Popup Forms.
The Greetings PDF file will be saved in the path indicated in the TextBox located in the Footer Section of the Form. The path displayed in the TextBox is set in the Default Value Property of the TextBox, which you can modify to direct it to your preferred path.
The Sample Greetings Card.
The sample Greetings Card image is given below for reference.
The other two Popup Form Images are given below for information.
2. Alert about upcoming Birthdays:
3. Alerts about the missed Birthday Celebrations:
How does the Popup Form(s) open automatically if the Employee's Date of Birth meets any of the criteria specified above?
It is easy, immediately after the database is open it checks the presence of records in the above three Queries (i.e. RemindQ1_OnDate, RemindQ2_Advance, and RemindQ3_OverDue) and opens the Alert Form linked to the Queries. For this purpose, a small Function is created in the Standard Module.
The VBA Code of Checkpopup() Function.
Public Function Checkpopup() '======================================================== 'Project: Reminder Popup Form 'Author : a.p.r. pillai 'Date : March, 2024 'Rights : All Rights(c) Reserved by 'Remarks: Opens up preset Reminder Popup Form(s) ' : on pre-scheuled Date/Month 'Example: Employees' Date-of-Birth Reminder. '======================================================== Dim i, j, k As Integer i = DCount("*", "RemindQ1_OnDate") If i > 0 Then DoCmd.OpenForm "Reminder1", acNormal End If j = DCount("*", "RemindQ2_Advance") If j > 0 Then DoCmd.OpenForm "Reminder2", acNormal End If k = DCount("*", "RemindQ3_OverDue") If k > 0 Then DoCmd.OpenForm "Reminder3", acNormal End If End Function
Running the Popup Forms.
Now all we need to do is to call this Function immediately after opening the Database. The first choice can be to Create a Macro with the name AutoExec (the Auto Execute Macro) and Call the Function using the RunCode Command. The name of the Macro must be AutoExec so that Access executes this macro automatically when the Database is open. Another option is to drag this Macro and drop it on the Desktop as a Shortcut. Double-click on it to open the Database and Run the Macro.
Another option is to run the Function from the Form_Load() Event Subroutine of the first Form that opens when the database is open.
If there is no urgency, call the Function when the Employees Form is open, and the PopUp Form(s) will appear, if any of the three data filtering Queries, or all of them have data, after a brief delay of 3 Seconds.
This is good for experimenting with this trick and learning how it can be set up for Advance Alert, or on-the-Day or Overdue Alerts can be implemented in your other Projects.
The Employee Form-based Popup.
There are three employee forms, for each Reminder category for setting up the date and experiment. All of them can be opened from a small Main Form. The Image of the Main Form is given below.
The Employees Form Image of the First Option:
When you open this Form, after a delay of about 3 seconds the Remnder1_OnDate Popup Form will open with the Employees Records have their BirthDate today. If there are no records the [Open Reminder] Command Button is disabled. If the popup doesn't appear then change the Birthdate of one or two employees to match the Day and Month (don't change the year) to match the current Date.
If you close the Reminder Form by mistake use this Command Button to open the Remainder Form again, without closing and opening the Employees Form.
There are two other Forms for experimenting Reminders of forthcoming or overdue Reminder setups.
Streamlining VBA Event Subroutine Codes.
Now coming to the Streamlined VBA Coding Part, There are three Employees Forms with two Command Buttons on each Form. The Employee information is for display purposes only. If you plan to Edit the employee Birthdate through this Form, you are welcome, but the validation check is not performed and full responsibility is yours. All three Forms are linked to the same Employees1 Table.
Since all three forms have two command buttons each we need only one Command Button Wrapper Class to handle the Events of Command Button Clicks. But, we will use three different Class_Init() Interface Classes (Intermediary Class) to create separate Instances for all the three Employee Forms, so that their Identity References will remain separately in memory. The 3 Seconds TimerInterval running Subroutine is also run from within this Class Module and then opens the Popup Form.
The Command Button Wrapper Class: Rm1_cmdButton - Employees Forms.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private WithEvents cmd As Access.CommandButton Private mfrm As Form Dim t As Integer '======================================================== 'Project: Reminder Popup Form 'Author : a.p.r. pillai 'Date : March, 2024 'Rights : All Rights(c) Reserved by 'Remarks: Opens up preset Reminder Popup Form(s) ' : on pre-scheuled Date/Month 'Example: Employees' Date-of-Birth Reminder. '======================================================== Public Property Get m_Frm() As Access.Form Set m_Frm = mfrm End Property Public Property Set m_Frm(ByRef vfrm As Access.Form) Set mfrm = vfrm End Property Public Property Get m_cmd() As Access.CommandButton Set m_cmd = cmd End Property Public Property Set m_cmd(ByRef vcmd As Access.CommandButton) Set cmd = vcmd End Property Private Sub cmd_Click() Select Case cmd.Name Case "cmdReminder1" DoCmd.OpenForm "Reminder1", acNormal Case "cmdReminder2" DoCmd.OpenForm "Reminder2", acNormal Case "cmdReminder3" DoCmd.OpenForm "Reminder3", acNormal Case "cmdExit1" DoCmd.Close acForm, "Employees1" Case "cmdExit2" DoCmd.Close acForm, "Employees2" Case "cmdExit3" DoCmd.Close acForm, "Employees3" End Select End Sub
We need only one Click-Event Subroutine in the Class Module to handle the Command Button Clicks from all three Forms. The Code is not messy and remains clean and directly accessible rather than struggling with the Form Design View to reach them in different Form Modules. The Event Procedure Code is self-explanatory.
Three Different Interface Class Modules for Different Employees Forms. We don't create Instances of the Interface Class hence we need to create three different Interface Classes. Moreover, it runs the TimerInterval Subroutine for three different Forms.
Interface Class of Employees1 Form: Rm1_Init Class VBA Code.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private cmd As Rm1_CmdButton Private WithEvents frm As Form Private Coll As New Collection Dim t As Integer '======================================================== 'Project: Reminder Popup Form 'Author : a.p.r. pillai 'Date : March, 2024 'Rights : All Rights(c) Reserved by 'Remarks: Opens up preset Reminder Popup Form(s) ' : on pre-scheuled Date/Month 'Example: Employees' Date-of-Birth Reminder. '======================================================== Public Property Get m_Frm() As Form Set m_Frm = frm End Property Public Property Set m_Frm(ByRef vfrm As Form) Set frm = vfrm Call Class_Init End Property Private Sub Class_Init() Dim ctl As Control Const EP = "[Event Procedure]" frm.OnTimer = EP For Each ctl In frm.Controls Select Case TypeName(ctl) Case "CommandButton" Select Case ctl.Name Case "cmdReminder1", "cmdExit1" Set cmd = New Rm1_CmdButton Set cmd.m_Frm = frm Set cmd.m_cmd = ctl cmd.m_cmd.OnClick = EP Coll.Add cmd Set cmd = Nothing End Select End Select Next t = 0 frm.TimerInterval = 1000 End Sub Private Sub frm_Timer() Dim icount As Long On Error GoTo frmTimer_Err t = t + 1 If t = 3 Then frm.TimerInterval = 0 icount = DCount("*", "RemindQ1_OnDate") If icount > 0 Then t = 0 frm.cmdReminder1.Enabled = True Call PopupOpen("Reminder1") Else frm.cmdReminder1.Enabled = False frm.Requery End If End If frmTimer_Exit: Exit Sub frmTimer_Err: MsgBox Err.Description, , "frmTimer()" Resume frmTimer_Exit End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() Do While Coll.Count > 0 Coll.Remove 1 Loop End Sub
This class module is declared within the Employee1 Form Module, with the Employee1 Form Reference being passed to the frm object declaration. Subsequently, the Class_Init subroutine is invoked. Within this subroutine's outset, the Timer Event of the Employee1 Form is enabled, followed by the creation of Command Button Instances and the procedure for enabling events. The Timer Interval is set with a 1000 Milliseconds (1 second) delay, running for three seconds. Following this 3-second delay, the record count of the ReminderQ1_OnDate Query is obtained. If the record count exceeds zero, the Reminder1_OnDate Reminder Popup Form is opened, displaying the relevant records for viewing.
Interface Class of Employees2 Form: Rm2_Init Class.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private cmd As Rm1_CmdButton Private WithEvents frm As Form Private Coll As New Collection Dim t As Integer '======================================================== 'Project: Reminder Popup Form 'Author : a.p.r. pillai 'Date : March, 2024 'Rights : All Rights(c) Reserved by 'Remarks: Opens up preset Reminder Popup Form(s) ' : on pre-scheuled Date/Month 'Example: Employees' Date-of-Birth Reminder. '======================================================== Public Property Get m_Frm() As Form Set m_Frm = frm End Property Public Property Set m_Frm(ByRef vfrm As Form) Set frm = vfrm Call Class_Init End Property Private Sub Class_Init() Dim ctl As Control Const EP = "[Event Procedure]" frm.OnTimer = EP For Each ctl In frm.Controls Select Case TypeName(ctl) Case "CommandButton" Select Case ctl.Name Case "cmdReminder2", "cmdExit2" Set cmd = New Rm1_CmdButton Set cmd.m_Frm = frm Set cmd.m_cmd = ctl cmd.m_cmd.OnClick = EP Coll.Add cmd Set cmd = Nothing End Select End Select Next t = 0 frm.TimerInterval = 1000 End Sub Private Sub frm_Timer() Dim icount As Long On Error GoTo frmTimer_Err t = t + 1 If t = 3 Then frm.TimerInterval = 0 icount = DCount("*", "RemindQ2_Advance") If icount > 0 Then t = 0 frm.cmdReminder2.Enabled = True frm.Requery Call PopupOpen("Reminder2") Else frm.cmdReminder2.Enabled = False frm.Requery End If End If frmTimer_Exit: Exit Sub frmTimer_Err: MsgBox Err.Description, , "frmTimer()" Resume frmTimer_Exit End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() Do While Coll.Count > 0 Coll.Remove 1 Loop End Sub
The only difference in this Module is the name of the Query and Command Button Names. We use the same Rm1_CmdButton Wrapper Class here also.
Rm3_Init Interface Class also has the same VBA Code with different Query, and Command Button Names.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private cmd As Rm1_CmdButton Private WithEvents frm As Form Private Coll As New Collection Dim t As Integer '======================================================== 'Project: Reminder Popup Form 'Author : a.p.r. pillai 'Date : March, 2024 'Rights : All Rights(c) Reserved by 'Remarks: Opens up preset Reminder Popup Form(s) ' : on pre-scheuled Date/Month 'Example: Employees' Date-of-Birth Reminder. '======================================================== Public Property Get m_Frm() As Form Set m_Frm = frm End Property Public Property Set m_Frm(ByRef vfrm As Form) Set frm = vfrm Call Class_Init End Property Private Sub Class_Init() Dim ctl As Control Const EP = "[Event Procedure]" 'frm.OnTimer = EP For Each ctl In frm.Controls Select Case TypeName(ctl) Case "CommandButton" Select Case ctl.Name Case "cmdReminder3", "cmdExit3" Set cmd = New Rm1_CmdButton Set cmd.m_Frm = frm cmd.m_Frm.OnTimer = EP Set cmd.m_cmd = ctl cmd.m_cmd.OnClick = EP Coll.Add cmd Set cmd = Nothing End Select End Select Next t = 0 frm.TimerInterval = 1000 End Sub Private Sub frm_Timer() Dim icount As Long 'On Error GoTo frmTimer_Err t = t + 1 If t = 3 Then frm.TimerInterval = 0 icount = DCount("*", "RemindQ3_OverDue") If icount > 0 Then t = 0 frm.cmdReminder3.Enabled = True frm.Requery Call PopupOpen("Reminder3") Else frm.cmdReminder3.Enabled = False frm.Requery End If End If frmTimer_Exit: Exit Sub frmTimer_Err: MsgBox Err.Description, , "frmTimer()" Resume frmTimer_Exit End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() Do While Coll.Count > 0 Coll.Remove 1 Loop End Sub
The Popup Forms' Wrapper Class and Interface Class Module VBA Code.
Only one Wrapper Class Module and one Interface Class Module are required for all three Popup Forms to handle the Event Procedures of the Command Buttons on them. All three Forms have only Command Buttons Click Events to handle in the Wrapper Class Sub_CmdButton and Interface Class Module.
The Sub_CmdButton Wrapper Class Module VBA Code.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private WithEvents cmd As Access.CommandButton Private frm As Form '======================================================== 'Project: Reminder Popup Form 'Author : a.p.r. pillai 'Date : March, 2024 'Rights : All Rights(c) Reserved by 'Remarks: Opens up preset Reminder Popup Form(s) ' : on pre-scheuled Date/Month 'Example: Employees' Date-of-Birth Reminder. '======================================================== Public Property Get m_Frm() As Access.Form Set m_Frm = frm End Property Public Property Set m_Frm(ByRef vfrm As Access.Form) Set frm = vfrm End Property Public Property Get m_cmd() As Access.CommandButton Set m_cmd = cmd End Property Public Property Set m_cmd(ByRef vcmd As Access.CommandButton) Set cmd = vcmd End Property Private Sub cmd_Click() Select Case cmd.Name Case "cmdPrint1" Call GreetingsPrint Case "cmdCancel1" DoCmd.Close acForm, "Reminder1" Case "cmdCancel2" DoCmd.Close acForm, "Reminder2" Case "cmdCancel3" DoCmd.Close acForm, "Reminder3" End Select End Sub Private Sub GreetingsPrint() Dim strSQL As String Dim db As DAO.Database Dim rst As DAO.Recordset Dim qryDef As DAO.QueryDef Dim EID As Integer Dim OutFile As String 'On Error GoTo GreetingsPrint_Err Set db = CurrentDb Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("RemindQ1_OnDate", dbOpenDynaset) rst.MoveLast rst.MoveFirst Do While Not rst.EOF And Not rst.BOF EID = rst![EmployeeID] strSQL = "SELECT RemindQ1_OnDate.* FROM RemindQ1_OnDate " strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE (((RemindQ1_OnDate.EmployeeID)= " strSQL = strSQL & EID & "));" Set qryDef = db.QueryDefs("BirthDayQ1OnDate_PDF") qryDef.SQL = strSQL db.QueryDefs.Refresh DoCmd.OpenReport "Greetings1_PDF", acViewPreview If MsgBox("Birthday Greetings Print Initiated, Proceed?", vbYesNo, "Greetings Print()") = vbNo Then DoCmd.Close acReport, "Greetings1_PDF" Exit Sub End If DoCmd.Close acReport, "Greetings1_PDF" OutFile = frm!Path & DLookup("Name", "BirthdayQ1OnDate_PDF", "EmployeeID = " & EID) & ".pdf" DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "Greetings1_PDF", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", OutFile, False, "", 0, acExportQualityPrint rst.MoveNext Loop rst.Close Set rst = Nothing Set db = Nothing DoCmd.SetWarnings False 'Delete earlier saved records DoCmd.OpenQuery "BirthDayReminder1_Del", acViewNormal 'Add latest records DoCmd.OpenQuery "BDay_SavedQ1", acViewNormal 'Flag the Employee Record as Greetings Printed 'Reset the floags on January 1st, Next Year DoCmd.OpenQuery "BirthDayQ_UpdateFlag1", acViewNormal DoCmd.SetWarnings True MsgBox "Greetings PDFs are saved in Path: " & frm!Path GreetingsPrint_Exit: Exit Sub GreetingsPrint_Err: MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description, , "GreetingsPrint_Click()" Resume GreetingsPrint_Exit End Sub
In the cmd_Click() Event Subroutine the cmdPrint1 Command Button Click on the Reminder1 Form Calls the GreetingsPrint() Subroutine and prints the Birthday Greetings in PDF format and updates the Employees1 Table marking the BFlag logical Field as True to prevent it from appearing the Employee record again in the Popup Form. The Greetings will be Printed for each Employee Record separately.
After Printing the Popup Form records will be saved into a separate temporary Table: Birthday_Reminder1.
The Sub_Init Interface Class Module VBA Code.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private cmd As Sub_CmdButton Private frm As Form Private Coll As New Collection Public Property Get m_Frm() As Form Set m_Frm = frm End Property Public Property Set m_Frm(ByRef vfrm As Form) Set frm = vfrm Call Class_Init End Property Private Sub Class_Init() Dim ctl As Control Const EP = "[Event Procedure]" 'Set frm2 = frm.BReminderSub1.Form For Each ctl In frm.Controls Select Case TypeName(ctl) Case "CommandButton" Select Case ctl.Name Case "cmdPrint1", "cmdCancel1", _ "cmdCancel2", "cmdCancel3" Set cmd = New Sub_CmdButton Set cmd.m_Frm = frm Set cmd.m_cmd = ctl cmd.m_cmd.OnClick = EP Coll.Add cmd Set cmd = Nothing End Select End Select Next End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() Do While Coll.Count > 0 Coll.Remove 1 Loop End Sub
All three Popup Forms: Reminder1, Reminder2, and Reminder3 have Command Buttons with unique Names to Close the Forms and all of them are included in the Class_Init() Subroutine. Because of their unique names, we could handle their Event Procedures in a Single Wrapper Class Module.
Even though the Code requirement is simple the Standalone Class Module VBA Coding gives you much flexibility for maintaining Code in a centralized location. It needs only one Click Event Subroutine for writing Code for several Command Buttons.
Demo Database Download
- Reusing Form Module VBA Code for New Projects.
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Two.
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Three
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Four
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Five
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Six
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Seven
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Eight
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Nine
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Ten
- Streamlining Form Module Code - Part Elevan
- Streamlining Report Module Code in Class Module
- Streamlining Module Code Report Line Hiding-13.
- Streamlining Form Module Code Part-14.
- Streamlining Custom Made Form Wizard-15.
- Streamlining VBA Custom Made Report Wizard-16.
- Streamlining VBA External Files List in Hyperlinks-17
- Streamlining Events VBA 3D Text Wizard-18
- Streamlining Events VBA RGB Color Wizard-19
- Streamlining Events Numbers to Words-20
- Access Users Group(Europe) Presentation-21
- The Event Firing Mechanism of MS Access-22
- One TextBox and Three Wrapper Class Instances-23
- Streamlining Code Synchronized Floating Popup Form-24
- Streamlining Code Compacting/Repair Database-25
- Streamlining Code Remainder Popup Form-26
- Streamlining Code Editing Data in Zoom-in Control-27
- Streamlining Code Filter By Character and Sort-28
- Table Query Records in Collection Object-29
- Class for All Data Entry Editing Forms-30
- Wrapper Class Module Creation Wizard-31
- wrapper-class-template-wizard-v2
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