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ListView Control Drag Drop Events Handling


We are familiar with the drag-and-drop operations on TreeView Control that rearrange Nodes in Ms-Access.  All the base records for the Treeview Control Nodes come from a single Access Table.  We always update the Source Node’s ParentID field value, with the Target Node’s ID Value on the same Table record, to change the position in the TreeView Control.  The records are not moved physically anywhere.

Here, with the addition of ListView Control along with TreeView Control, we plan to work with two different Access Tables.

  1. lvCategory – Category Code and Description.
  2. lvProducts – Categorywise Products.

This way it is easier to understand the relationship between both Tables and what changes to make and where when one Product Item (ListView item) moves from one Category to the other on the TreeView Control. 

The lvCategory Access Table has 20 records for the TreeView Nodes and the lvProducts Table has 45  for the ListView Control.  One or more records in the Products table are directly related to a product category on the Category Table.  The relationship between them has been updated with the Category ID (CID) Field value on the Product Table’s ParentID field so that the change of category of the product reflects immediately on the ListView Control. 

The demo data table was taken from the Microsoft Access Sample Database Northwind and split into two parts.

Based on the ParentID Field Value, of lvProduct records, we could filter and list all the related product items in the ListView Control, when a Category Node gets selected in the TreeView Control.

The Topics which we have covered so far.

The main topics on the TreeView, ImageList, ImageCombo, and ListView Controls, we have covered so far, in MS Access, are given below.

  1. Microsoft TreeView Control Tutorial
  2. Creating Access Menu with TreeView Control
  3. Assigning Images to TreeView Control
  4. Assigning Images to TreeView Control-2
  5. Tree View Control Check-Mark Add, Delete Nodes
  6. Tree View ImageCombo Drop-Down Access Menu
  7. Re-arrange TreeView Nodes by Drag and Drop
  8. List View Control with MS-Access TreeView

The ListView Drag-Drop Task.

As far as ListView’s Drag and Drop operation is concerned, it is a simple exercise comparing the same method within the TreeView Control alone.  Since the Drag Drop action involves both TreeView and ListView Controls, we use the same TreeView0_OLEDragDrop() Event Procedure with some simple VBA Code.

The Product items listed in the ListView Control belong to the current Category item selected in the TreeView Control.

The User selects a particular product item from the ListView Control, if he/she thinks it belongs to a different Category Item,  then drag and drop it on the target Category item on the TreeViewCcontrol. 

The moved ListView Product Item will be added to the list of items that belong to the changed Category. The product record’s ParentID field value gets updated with the target Category record ID (CID value). 

It is only a one-way action, always move the ListView item from one category and drop it on a different Category Node on the TreeView Control. 

The ListView drag-drop demo Access Form frmListViewDrag’s trial run Screen image is given below:

In the above Image, the Beverages Category on the TreeView has been selected.  The products belonging to the Beverages category have been listed in the ListView Control.

The ListView Control In Design View.

The List of Control names on the Form is given below:

  1. TreeView Control: TreeView0
  2. ListView Control: ListView0
  3. ImageList Control: ImageList3
  4. Command Button: cmdClose

The VBA Code on the frmListViewDrag’s Class Module:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Dim tv As MSComctlLib.TreeView
Dim lvList As MSComctlLib.ListView
Dim imgList As MSComctlLib.ImageList
Const Prfx As String = "X"

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tbldef As TableDef

    Set tv = Me.TreeView0.Object
    Set imgList = Me.ImageList3.Object
With tv
    .Font.Size = 9
    .Font.Name = "Verdana"
    .ImageList = imgList 'assign preloaded imagelist control
 End With
    Set lvList = Me.ListView0.Object
    lvList.Icons = imgList
    Set db = CurrentDb
    Set tbldef = db.TableDefs("lvProducts")
    'Initialize ListView & Column Headers Property Values
     With lvList
        .ColumnHeaderIcons = imgList
        .Font.Size = 9
        .Font.Name = "Verdana"
        .Font.Bold = False
        'ColumnHeaders.Add() Syntax:
        'lvList.ColumnHeaders.Add Index, Key, Text, Width, Alignment, Icon
        'Alignment: 0 - Left, 1 - Right, 2 - Center
        .ColumnHeaders.Add 1, , tbldef.Fields(1).Name, 2600, 0, 5
        .ColumnHeaders.Add 2, , tbldef.Fields(3).Name, 2600, 0, 5
        .ColumnHeaders.Add 3, , tbldef.Fields(4).Name, 1440, 1, 5
    End With
    Set db = Nothing
    Set tbldef = Nothing

   LoadTreeView 'Create TreeView Nodes

End Sub

Private Sub LoadTreeView()
    Dim Nod As MSComctlLib.Node
    Dim firstCatID As Long
    Dim strCategory As String
    Dim strCatKey As String
    Dim strBelongsTo As String
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
    'Initialize treeview nodes
    'Initialize Listview nodes
    While lvList.ListItems.Count > 0
          lvList.ListItems.Remove (1)
    strSQL = "SELECT lvCategory.CID, lvCategory.Category, "
    strSQL = strSQL & "lvcategory.BelongsTo FROM lvCategory ORDER BY lvCategory.CID;"
    Set db = CurrentDb
    Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)
    If Not rst.BOF And Not rst.EOF Then
        firstCatID = rst!CID
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Populate all Records as Rootlevel Nodes
    Do While Not rst.BOF And Not rst.EOF
            strCatKey = Prfx & CStr(rst!CID)
            strCategory = rst!Category
            Set Nod = tv.Nodes.Add(, , strCatKey, strCategory, 1, 2)
            Nod.Tag = rst!CID
    'In the second pass of the the same set of records
    'Move Child Nodes under their Parent Nodes
    Do While Not rst.BOF And Not rst.EOF
        strBelongsTo = Nz(rst!BelongsTo, "")
        If Len(strBelongsTo) > 0 Then
            strCatKey = Prfx & CStr(rst!CID)
            strBelongsTo = Prfx & strBelongsTo
            strCategory = rst!Category
            Set tv.Nodes.Item(strCatKey).Parent = tv.Nodes.Item(strBelongsTo)
        End If
    ' Populate ListView Control with Product details
    ' of the first Category Item
    LoadListView firstCatID
End Sub

Private Sub LoadListView(ByVal CatID)
    Dim strProduct As String
    Dim strPKey As String
    Dim intcount As Integer
    Dim tmpLItem As MSComctlLib.ListItem
    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
    Dim strSQL As String
    ' Initialize ListView Control
    While lvList.ListItems.Count > 0
        lvList.ListItems.Remove (1)
     strSQL = "SELECT lvProducts.* FROM lvProducts "
     strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE (lvProducts.ParentID = " & CatID & ") "
     strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY lvProducts.[Product Name];"
    'Open filtered Products List for selected category
    Set db = CurrentDb
    Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)
    Do While Not rst.BOF And Not rst.EOF
        intcount = intcount + 1
        strProduct = rst![Product Name]
        strPKey = Prfx & CStr(rst!PID)
        'List Item Add() Syntax:
        'lvList.ListItems.Add Index,Key,Text,Icon,SmallIcon
        Set tmpLItem = lvList.ListItems.Add(, strPKey, strProduct, , 3) 'first column
            lvList.ForeColor = vbBlue
            'List second column sub-item Syntax:
            'tmpLItem.ListSubItems.Add Column - Index, Key, Text, ReportIcon, ToolTipText
            tmpLItem.ListSubItems.Add 1, strPKey & CStr(intcount), Nz(rst![Quantity Per Unit], ""), 6
            'List third column sub-item
            tmpLItem.ListSubItems.Add 2, strPKey & CStr(intcount + 1), Format(rst![list Price], "0.00"), 6, "In Local Currency."
    Set db = Nothing
    Set rst = Nothing
    If intcount > 0 Then lvList.ListItems(1).Selected = True
End Sub

Private Sub TreeView0_NodeClick(ByVal Node As Object)
Dim Cat_ID As String
Cat_ID = Node.Tag

LoadListView Cat_ID

End Sub

Private Sub TreeView0_OLEStartDrag(Data As Object, AllowedEffects As Long)
    Set tv.SelectedItem = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub TreeView0_OLEDragOver(Data As Object, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single, State As Integer)
On Error GoTo TreeView0_OLEDragOver_Err

    Dim nodSelected As MSComctlLib.Node
    Dim nodOver As MSComctlLib.Node
    If tv.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
        'Select a node if one is not selected
        Set nodSelected = tv.HitTest(X, Y)
        If Not nodSelected Is Nothing Then
            nodSelected.Selected = True
        End If
        If tv.HitTest(X, Y) Is Nothing Then
        'do nothing
            'Highlight the node the mouse is over
            Set nodOver = tv.HitTest(X, Y)
            Set tv.DropHighlight = nodOver
        End If
    End If
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err & " : " & Err.Description, vbInformation, "TreeView0_OLEDragOver()"
Resume TreeView0_OLEDragOver_Exit
End Sub

Private Sub TreeView0_OLEDragDrop(Data As Object, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    Dim tv_nodSource As Node
    Dim tv_nodTarget As Node
    Dim strtv_ParentKey As String
    Dim strtv_TargetKey As String
    Dim strListItemKey As String
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim vCatID As Long
    Dim lngPID As Long
    On Error GoTo TreeView0_OLEDragDrop_Err
    'Get the source/destination Nodes
    Set tv_nodSource = tv.SelectedItem
    Set tv_nodTarget = tv.HitTest(X, Y)
        If Not tv_nodTarget Is Nothing Then
            strtv_ParentKey = tv_nodSource.Key
            strtv_TargetKey = tv_nodTarget.Key
            If strtv_ParentKey = strtv_TargetKey Then Exit Sub

            'Extract ListItem Key
            strListItemKey = lvList.SelectedItem.Key
            'extract Category Record CID Value
            'and ListItem Product ID Key
            vCatID = Val(Mid(tv_nodTarget.Key, 2))
            lngPID = Val(Mid(strListItemKey, 2))
            'UPDATE lvProducts Table
            strSQL = "UPDATE lvProducts SET ParentID = " & vCatID & _
            " WHERE PID = " & lngPID
            CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
            Set tv.DropHighlight = Nothing
            tv_nodSource.Selected = True
            'Rebuild ListView Nodes
            TreeView0_NodeClick tv_nodSource
        Else ' Invalid Target location
            MsgBox "The destination is invalid!", vbInformation
        End If
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err & " : " & Err.Description, vbInformation, "TreeView0_OLEDragDrop()"
Resume TreeView0_OLEDragDrop_Exit
End Sub

Private Sub TreeView0_OLECompleteDrag(Effect As Long)
    Set tv.DropHighlight = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
End Sub

The familiar VBA Code Segments.

In the Form_Load() Event Procedure, we initialize the TreeVew, ListView, and ImageList Controls.  It creates the ColumnHeadings of the ListView Control, before populating the List items in the Listview control.  At the end of this process, the LoadTreeView() subroutine is executed.

The LoadTreeView() subroutine populates the products’ Category Nodes on the TreeView Control, with the records from the lvCategory Table.  Loading Nodes on the TreeView Control is a two-step process.  Why it is so, rather than doing it in one go?  This aspect has been explained in detail on an earlier Page, the 7th link on the list of links given above if you would like to go through it.  Repeating all of them here may not be appropriate.

At the end of the above subroutine, the LoadListView() subroutine has been called with the first Category record’s CID Value 1 as the parameter.

The Product Records with ParentID field value 1  have been filtered and listed on the ListView Control. This procedure was explained in detail in last week’s post, the 8th item, among the List of Links given above.

The Drag-Drop Action Subroutines.

The following Subroutines associated with the Drag and Drop action will be executed automatically in the order they are presented below:

  1. TreeView0_OLEStartDrag()
  2. TreeView0_OLEDragOver()
  3. TreeView0_OLEDragDrop()
  4. TreeView0_OLECompleteDrag()

The first and last Subroutines initialize the Nodes involved and reset their status at the end respectively. 

The second one, the OLEDragOver() subroutine works like the MouseMove Event Procedure and tracks the movement of the mouse during the drag-drop operation.  It highlights the NodeText when the mouse is over a Node and tracks its trajectory till the left mouse button gets released.

The TreeView0_OLEDragDrop() procedure code alone is listed below.

Private Sub TreeView0_OLEDragDrop(Data As Object, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)

    Dim tv_nodSource As Node
    Dim tv_nodTarget As Node
    Dim strtv_ParentKey As String
    Dim strtv_TargetKey As String
    Dim strListItemKey As String
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim vCatID As Long
    Dim lngPID As Long
    On Error GoTo TreeView0_OLEDragDrop_Err
    'Get the source/destination Nodes
    Set tv_nodSource = tv.SelectedItem
    Set tv_nodTarget = tv.HitTest(X, Y)
        If Not tv_nodTarget Is Nothing Then
            strtv_ParentKey = tv_nodSource.Key
            strtv_TargetKey = tv_nodTarget.Key
            If strtv_ParentKey = strtv_TargetKey Then Exit Sub

            'Extract ListItem Key
            strListItemKey = lvList.SelectedItem.Key
            'extract Category Record CID Value
            'and ListItem Product ID Key
            vCatID = Val(Mid(tv_nodTarget.Key, 2))
            lngPID = Val(Mid(strListItemKey, 2))
            'UPDATE lvProducts Table
            strSQL = "UPDATE lvProducts SET ParentID = " & vCatID & _
            " WHERE PID = " & lngPID
            CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
            Set tv.DropHighlight = Nothing
            tv_nodSource.Selected = True
            'Rebuild ListView Nodes
            TreeView0_NodeClick tv_nodSource
        Else ' Invalid Target location
            MsgBox "The destination is invalid!", vbInformation
        End If
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err & " : " & Err.Description, vbInformation, "TreeView0_OLEDragDrop()"
Resume TreeView0_OLEDragDrop_Exit
End Sub

The Drag Drop Action Step by Step.

The TreeView0_OLEDragDrop() Procedure executes immediately after the left mouse button has been released to complete the Drop Action.  At the beginning of the code, the active and the Target TreeView Node’s references have been saved in tv_nodSource and tv_nodTarget object Variables respectively. 

Next, we perform a check on, whether the ListItem has been dropped on a valid TreeView Node or not. If it is dropped on the same source Category Node or dropped on an empty area on the TreeView Control then these moves are not valid.  If it has been dropped in an empty area of the TreeView Control then the tv_nodTarget object variable will contain the value Nothing.  In that case, it displays a message and exits from the Program.

Next, the TreeView Source and Target Node Key Values are saved in two String Variables.   If both keys are the same then the ListItem is dragged and dropped on its own Parent Node (Category Node) on the TreeView Control, then the program is aborted.

If both Keys are different then it is time to update the change on the Product Record’s ParentID field, with the Target Category Record’s CID Code, and refresh the ListView Items.

The selected ListItem’s Key value (PID field value) has been saved in the strListItemKey  String Variable.

The Category record’s actual CID field value has been extracted from the Target Node, by stripping the prefix character value 'X' and saved in the variable vCatID.  This is the value that we will be updating on the Product Record’s ParentID field. When updated the Product ListItem becomes the subitem of the new Category.

Similarly, the selected List Item’s Product’s Key PID value is extracted and saved in Variable lngPID.  This has been used as criteria to filter and pick that particular Product record for updating the ParentID field with vCatID.

An UPDATE Query SQL has been created to filter the record, using the lngPID Code as Criteria, to filter the Product record, and to update the vCatID Value in the ParentID field.

The Execute method of the Currentdb has been called with the SQL and updates the change.

The Highlight of the Node has been reset to the Source Node.

Next, the TreeView0_NodeClick() subroutine has been called with the tv_nodSource as a parameter to reflect the change on the ListView Control.

The Close Button Click will close the Form.

Download Demo Database.

You may download the Demo database, do trial runs, and study the VBA Code.



  1. Withevents MS- Access Class Module
  2. Withevents and Defining Your Own Events
  3. Withevents Combo List Textbox Tab
  4. Access Form Control Arrays And Event
  5. Access Form Control Arrays And Event-2
  6. Access Form Control Arrays And Event-3
  7. Withevents in Class Module for Sub-Form
  8. Withevents in Class Module and Data
  9. Withevents and Access Report Event Sink
  10. Withevents and Report Line Hiding
  11. Withevents and Report-line Highlighting
  12. Withevents Texbox and Command Button
  13. Withevents Textbox Command Button
  14. Withevents and All Form Control Types


ListView Control with Ms-Access TreeView


Microsoft Access ListView Control Project has been designed and demonstrated here, in this episode of the TreeView Control Tutorial.  The main task is, first populate the TreeView Control with Product Category Items.  Then on the selection of a Category item on the TreeView Control, the related Product Records have been filtered from the Products Table and listed in the ListView Control.  Each record’s field values are displayed in different Columns.

We are familiar with TreeView, ImageList, and ImageCombo Controls and worked with them in earlier Episodes. 

The ListView Control will display the data from three different Fields in three different Columns.   The Columns will have Column Headers and other Column Properties, like the ReportIcons, and Tooltip Text.

The Product Record has several fields and all of them cannot be displayed in the ListView Control, with several columns in a small area.  Instead, when an item has been selected in the ListView Control another Form will open up with full details of the selected Product record.  Briefly, this is what we plan to do here, by using the TreeView, ListView, and ImageList Controls.

The ListView Control properties have similar characteristics to Microsoft Access ListBox Control.  It has columns to display related values next to each other, under each column header.  The Column Width property value, for each column, ensures that the field value has enough space to display the contents properly.  The ListView item responds to clicks so that we could perform other actions, like opening Form, Report, Macro, or call other functions, if required.

Links to the earlier Tutorial Sessions.

  1. Microsoft TreeView Control Tutorial.
  2. Creating Access Menu with TreeView Control.
  3. Assigning Images to TreeView Control.
  4. Assigning Images to TreeView Control-2, creating ImageList Control shareable with other Projects.
  5. TreeView Control Check-Mark Add, Delete Nodes.
  6. TreeView ImageCombo Drop-Down Access Menu.
  7. Re-arrange TreeView Nodes by Drag and Drop.

Articles on Access ListBox Control.

In Microsoft Access, we could use ListBox Control to display information and use them in various ways.  For building custom-made Form Wizard and custom-made Report Wizard.  For creating Hyperlinks in ListBox, creating List Items from source data of another Listbox, bringing in external files list into the List Box, or assigning Filter() Function output into the ListBox.  These were some of the methods we tried earlier with Access ListBox.   The links are given below for reference.

  1. Custom-made Form-Wizard.

  2. Custom-made Report- Wizard.

  3. Open Forms with Hyperlinks in Listbox.

  4. Create List from Another ListBox.

  5. Dynamic ListBox ComboBox Contents.

  6. Filter Function Output in ListBox.

  7. Filter Function Output in ListBox-2

  8. List-Box and Date Part-one.

  9. List-Box and Date Part-two.

The ListView with TreeView Control Demo Image.

The Demo Image View of Form, with TreeView and ListView Controls:

The ListView Demo Form in Design View.

Designing the Form frmListView.

  1. Create a new form, with the name frmListView, and Insert the following three Controls in the Detail Section of the Form with the Names specified for each control as given below.

  2. Insert a TreeView Control on the Form, from the ActiveX Controls List, on the left side, and change the Name to TreeView0. Display its normal Access Property Sheet and change the Width Property Value to 6.614 cm and Height to 9.709 cm.

  3. Insert a ListView Control from the ActiveX Controls, at the right side of the TreeView Control, and change its name to ListView0.  The ListView control is about 12.462 cm wide and 9.709 cm in Height, enough space for displaying three columns of Data from the Products Table. Place both controls close to each other and the top edges Aligned.

  4. Insert an ImageList Control from the ActiveX Controls List, place it somewhere on the right side of the ListView Control, and change its Name Property Value to ImageList3.

    Note: If you are new to this topic and could not find the above Controls among the ActiveX Controls list, then you must attach the  MSCOMLIB.OCX (Microsoft Windows Common Controls) in the VBA Editing Window’s Tools - - > References Files List. 

    I suggest, you may go through the first Link, given at the top of this page,  the Microsoft TreeView Control Tutorial Page for guidance, on where to look for the related files, and how to add the Microsoft Windows MSCOMLIB.OCX file into the Access Reference Library.  After that, you will be able to find these files on the ActiveX Control’s List.

If you have gone through the earlier Tutorial Sessions and downloaded the Demo Database from the 4th Link given at the top, then open that database.

Open the Form with the ImageList Control in Design View.  Make a copy of the ImageList Control from the Form and place it on the Clipboard.  Close that database, open the current Project database and open the Form frmListView in Design View.  Paste the ImageList Control from the Clipboard on the Form frmListView.  Change the ImageList Control’s name to ImageList3. Those who have the ImageList Control with preloaded Images, skip the following six steps and continue from Step 7.

Uploading Images into ImageList Control.

Alternatively, if you have inserted the ImageList Control from the ActiveX Controls you can upload a few images (4 or 5) from your computer itself. Do the following:

  1. Right-click on the ImageList control, highlight the ImageListCtrl_Object and select Properties.

  2. Select the option 16 x 16 image size option on the General Tab. 

    Caution: After uploading images you cannot change the Image Size value.  If you think you need images of a different size, when displayed, then you need to remove all the existing Images and then select the image size you want on the General Tab and then upload all images again.,

  3. Next, select the Images Tab.

  4. Click on the Insert Picture Command Button and select the Image from your Disk (most of the image types: bmp, png, JPG, JPEG, and tiff are valid).  The selected image will appear in Image control.  The selected image size will be reduced to 16 x 16 pixels and may affect the quality of the Image if you have selected a big image.

  5. The Index Value of the Image is entered by the system. Enter a suitable unique name in the Key control.  The name is Case sensitive if you plan to use the Key-Name of the TreeView Node image-parameter or on ListView Item, rather than the index number of the image. 

  6. You may upload the required number of images this way.   You can copy and paste this ImageList Control for your other Projects.

  7. When you are finished uploading the required images close the Dialog Box.

  8. Insert a Command Button at the bottom of the Controls on the Form with the Name Property Value: cmdExit and with the Caption Exit.

  9. You may save the Form frmListView now with the changes.

We need two tables for Demo purposes to try out the ListView Control with TreeView.  I have created two tables from the Products Table, taken from the sample Database Northwind.  A numeric type field name BelongsTo is added to the Table lvCategory. 

Added four new records in the Table.  The first two new records have their field BelongsTo with value 4, indicating that these records are the child nodes of Record ID number 4.  Similarly, the last two records have the value of 10 in the BelongsTo field. 

In the records with ID numbers 4 and 10, the Product Name field Description shows that they have multiple groups of items.  The Category Group Names are being split into two different categories to place them as Child-Node records under the main group Item. The Category new group record ID Values have been updated in the ParentID field of the Product items in the lvProducts Table, which belongs to the new Category.  The first record with two different categories of items is left untouched, due to some other preference considerations.

The lvCategory Table image is given below.  This will be used for TreeView Nodes, as Parent Nodes to the ListView Control Items too.

The lvProducts Table has about 45 records. The Table image, with a few sample records, is given below for reference:

Working with Two Tables.

Before proceeding further we must take a closer look at both the tables and see how both of them are related to each other in TreeView and ListView Controls.  So far we have worked with only a single Table, with Node Key, Description, and ParentID Fields in the same Table. 

I hope those of you who have followed the earlier Tutorial Episodes so far have a clear understanding of the relationship between the same Field Values in the same Table.  Now, we will see how both these tables (lvCategory and lvProducts) are related to each other for two different Controls.

First, check the lvCategory Table.  It has a BelongsTo field with values in the last four records.  Those four records are the Child Nodes of record IDs 4 and 10 of lvCategory Nodes. These four Nodes, go into the TreeView Control as Child Nodes, to the Parent Nodes: Canned Fruit & Vegetables and Dried Fruits & Nuts in the TreeView Control itself.

Now, take the lvProducts Table and it has ParentID Field Values.  For each Category Item in the lvCategory Table, there are one or more related Product Items on the lvProducts Table.  The number in the ParentID field of the lvProducts Table belongs to the Parent Record in the lvCategory Table.  To put it differently, all the Product items listed in the ListView Control, with the same ParentID value, belong to a particular record in the lvCategory table with the same CID Value.

Note: Creating both these Tables from the Products Table may be kind of time-consuming.  If you have followed this tutorial so far, then you may download the Demo Database from the download link given at the end of this Page. Import lvCategory and lvProducts Tables from the database into your current database with this Project.  When you complete this Project with the Current Database if you face some issues with it you can use the Demo Database as a reference point to correct your work.

The Form Module VBA Code.

  1. Open the frmListView form in Design View.

  2. Display the Class Module of the Form.

  3. Copy and Paste the following full VBA Code into the Module and press Ctrl+S to save the Code.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Dim tv As MSComctlLib.TreeView
Dim lvList As MSComctlLib.ListView
Dim imgList As MSComctlLib.ImageList
Const Prfx As String = "X"

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tbldef As TableDef

    Set tv = Me.TreeView0.Object
    Set imgList = Me.ImageList3.Object
With tv
    .Font.Size = 9
    .Font.Name = "Verdana"
    .ImageList = imgList 'assign preloaded imagelist control
 End With

    Set db = CurrentDb
    Set tbldef = db.TableDefs("lvProducts")
    Set lvList = Me.ListView0.Object
    lvList.Icons = imgList
    'Initialize ListView & Column Headers Property Values
     With lvList
        .ColumnHeaderIcons = imgList
        .Font.Size = 9
        .Font.Name = "Verdana"
        .Font.Bold = False
        .View = lvwReport
        .GridLines = True
        'ColumnHeaders.Add() Syntax:
        'lvList.ColumnHeaders.Add Index, Key, Text, Width, Alignment, Icon
        'Alignment: 0 - Left, 1 - Right, 2 - Center
        .ColumnHeaders.Add 1, , tbldef.Fields(1).Name, 2600, 0, 5
        .ColumnHeaders.Add 2, , tbldef.Fields(3).Name, 2600, 0, 5
        .ColumnHeaders.Add 3, , tbldef.Fields(4).Name, 1440, 1, 5
    End With
    Set db = Nothing
    Set tbldef = Nothing

   LoadTreeView 'Create TreeView Nodes

End Sub

Private Sub LoadTreeView()
    Dim Nod As MSComctlLib.Node
    Dim firstCatID As Long
    Dim strCategory As String
    Dim strCatKey As String
    Dim strProduct As String
    Dim strPKey As String
    Dim strBelongsTo As String
    Dim strSQL As String
    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
    'Initialize treeview nodes
    'Initialize Listview nodes
    While lvList.ListItems.Count > 0
          lvList.ListItems.Remove (1)
    strSQL = "SELECT lvCategory.CID, lvCategory.Category, "
    strSQL = strSQL & "lvcategory.BelongsTo FROM lvCategory ORDER BY lvCategory.CID;"
    Set db = CurrentDb
    Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)
    If Not rst.BOF And Not rst.EOF Then
        firstCatID = rst!CID
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Populate all Records as Rootlevel Nodes
    Do While Not rst.BOF And Not rst.EOF
            strCatKey = Prfx & CStr(rst!CID)
            strCategory = rst!Category
            Set Nod = tv.Nodes.Add(, , strCatKey, strCategory, 1, 2)
            Nod.Tag = rst!CID
    'In the second pass of the the same set of records
    'Move Child Nodes under their Parent Nodes
    Do While Not rst.BOF And Not rst.EOF
        strBelongsTo = Nz(rst!BelongsTo, "")
        If Len(strBelongsTo) > 0 Then
            strCatKey = Prfx & CStr(rst!CID)
            strBelongsTo = Prfx & strBelongsTo
            strCategory = rst!Category
            Set tv.Nodes.Item(strCatKey).Parent = tv.Nodes.Item(strBelongsTo)
        End If
    ' Populate ListView Control with Product details
    ' of the first Category Item
    LoadListView firstCatID
End Sub

Private Sub LoadListView(ByVal CatID)
    Dim strProduct As String
    Dim strPKey As String
    Dim intCount As Integer
    Dim tmpLItem As MSComctlLib.ListItem
    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
    Dim strSQL As String
    ' Initialize ListView Control
    While lvList.ListItems.Count > 0
        lvList.ListItems.Remove (1)
     strSQL = "SELECT lvProducts.* FROM lvProducts "
     strSQL = strSQL & "WHERE (lvProducts.ParentID = " & CatID & ") "
     strSQL = strSQL & "ORDER BY lvProducts.[Product Name];"
    'Open filtered Products List for selected category
    Set db = CurrentDb
    Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)
    Do While Not rst.BOF And Not rst.EOF
        intCount = intCount + 1
        strProduct = rst![Product Name]
        strPKey = Prfx & CStr(rst!PID)
        'List Item Add() Syntax:
        'lvList.ListItems.Add Index,Key,Text,Icon,SmallIcon
        Set tmpLItem = lvList.ListItems.Add(, strPKey, strProduct, , 3) 'first column
            lvList.ForeColor = vbBlue
            'List second column sub-item Syntax:
            'tmpLItem.ListSubItems.Add Column - Index, Key, Text, ReportIcon, ToolTipText
            tmpLItem.ListSubItems.Add 1, strPKey & CStr(intCount), Nz(rst![Quantity Per Unit], ""), 6
            'List third column sub-item
            tmpLItem.ListSubItems.Add 2, strPKey & CStr(intCount + 1), Format(rst![list Price], "0.00"), 6, "In Local Currency."
    Set db = Nothing
    Set rst = Nothing
    If intCount > 0 Then lvList.ListItems(1).Selected = True
End Sub

Private Sub TreeView0_NodeClick(ByVal Node As Object)
Dim Cat_ID As String
Cat_ID = Node.Tag

LoadListView Cat_ID

End Sub

Private Sub ListView0_Click()
Dim lvKey As String, lvLong As Long
Dim Criterion As String

lvKey = lvList.SelectedItem.Key
lvLong = Val(Mid(lvKey, 2))

DoCmd.OpenForm "ProductDetails", , , , , , lvLong

End Sub
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
End Sub

Let us review the Code and try to understand what they do.

In the global declaration area, the TreeView Object (tv), the ListView (lvList) and ImageList (imgList) Object Variables are declared.  The Constant Prfx variable has been declared with the Value “X” and used as the Node Key prefix Value.

When the frmListView is open, the Form_Load() Event Procedure runs.  The database object db and TableDef Object Variable tbldef have been declared.

TreeView0 Control on the Form is assigned to the object Variable tv. The statement tv.Nodes.Clear initializes the TreeView Control Object instance, in memory.

Next, the imgList object variable has been initialized with the ImageList3 Control on the Form.

TreeView Control Display Font and ImageList Properties.

The following statements set the TreeView Control's Font Name, Font-Size and its ImageList Property have been loaded with the imgList object, so that we can use the Image Key Names or Image Index Numbers for TreeView Node Images.

With tv
    .Font.Size = 9
    .Font.Name = "Verdana"
    .ImageList = imgList 'assign preloaded imagelist control
 End With

The ListView Control Property Settings and Column Headers.

After that, the following segment of the Code Initializes the ListView Control and assigns its Property values.

    Set db = CurrentDb
    Set tbldef = db.TableDefs("lvProducts")
    Set lvList = Me.ListView0.Object
    lvList.Icons = imgList
    'Initialize ListView & Column Headers Property Values
     With lvList
        .ColumnHeaderIcons = imgList
        .Font.Size = 9
        .Font.Name = "Verdana"
        .Font.Bold = False
        .View = lvwReport
        .GridLines = True
        'ColumnHeaders.Add() Syntax:
        'lvList.ColumnHeaders.Add Index, Key, Text, Width, Alignment, Icon
        'Alignment: 0 - Left, 1 - Right, 2 - Center
        .ColumnHeaders.Add , , tbldef.Fields(1).Name, 2600, 0, 5
        .ColumnHeaders.Add , , tbldef.Fields(3).Name, 2600, 0, 5
        .ColumnHeaders.Add , , tbldef.Fields(4).Name, 1440, 1, 5
    End With
    Set db = Nothing
    Set tbldef = Nothing

The Database object tbldef variable assigns with the lvProducts Table Definition. We need data field names to use as the ListView Column Headers, for their related data values, on the top. The Header Text parameter value can be taken from the table field name.

An image also can be displayed in the column header. Therefore, we have assigned the imgList Object to the lvList.ColumnHeaderIcons Property. 

Next, the required Font, Font-size, and Style values have been assigned to their respective Properties of the ListView Control, if the default values are not found suitable. 

The ListView can be viewed differently by changing the View Property Value.  We have selected lvwReport  (value 3 with maximum features).  You may change and experiment with other values 0,1 or 2.  The View Property Value 3 (lvwReport) displays values in columns with column headers, Image Icons, and grid lines.

We have taken three fields of data (Product Name, Quantity Per Unit,  and List Price)  from the lvProducts table to display in three different columns in the ListView Control. 

The column Width value is in Pixels. The Alignment Property Value ranges are from 0 to 2 and the meaning of each value is as given below:

0 – Left Align

1 – Right Align

2 – Align Center.

To create the Column Header information the lvList.ColumnHeaders.Add() method has been called with parameters.

The Add() method Syntax:

Object.ColumnHeaders.Add Index, Key, Text, Column Width, Alignment, Icon

With the above three Statements in the Code segment, we have added all the three ColumnHeaders with the Field Names: Product Name, Quantity Per Unit,  and List Price  Columns.

We have taken this step before adding any item to the ListView Control and that also in the Form_Load() Event Procedure, rather than during populating ListView Items. 

Next, calls the LoadTreeView() Sub-routine to create the TreeView Control Nodes.  As we have discussed in earlier episodes, we have divided this task into a two-step process.

After the variable declarations, the TreeView and ListView controls have been initialized.

Immediately after opening the lvCategory record set, the first record’s Key field (category ID: CID) value has been saved in the firstCatID Variable for later use.

Next, all the Records from the lvCategory Table are initially added to the TreeView Control as Root-Level Nodes.

In the second pass of the same set of records, it checks the BelongsTo field value, if it is empty then those Nodes are retained as Root-level Node, otherwise, the ParentID field value is the Root-Level Node’s ID. Using the ParentID value the current Node has been moved under the Parent Node, as its child Node.

I have explained, this aspect of the two-step procedure of populating Nodes in the TreeView Control in an earlier Episode and proved it by experiments in detail in the last Tutorial Session.

After closing the recordset-object the LoadListView(ByVal CatID) Subroutine has been called.  The first Category record’s CID field value saved in the firstcatID variable has been passed as a parameter to the function.

The Category unique CID Field Value passed in variable firstCatID as a parameter has been used as criteria in the strSQL String to filter the related Product Records. 

We have taken only four Fields of Data from the filtered records to display on the ListView Control.  Key-field: PID, Product Name, Quantity Per Unit, and List Price.  PID field value has been used as a Key and will not appear in the display.

The ColumnHeaders.Add() method has been called three times, to add all three Column Headers. 

Note: Check the statement we have not provided any Key parameter value, but the Index value will be inserted by the system.  We have not planned to work with the Column Headers once they have been loaded.  Even if we do, we can address the Column with the index value.  But, we must load the Product record field values in the same order as the Column Headers sequence.

Populating ListView Control with Product Values in Columns.

For displaying the data listing on the ListView Control, we need two sets of Add() methods, with three different Key values, to add all three columns of Values to the ListView Control.

The first column value will be added with the lvList.ListItems  Add() method.  All other Column Values can be added with the lvList.ListSubItems Add() method.

We have created one Counter Variable: intCount, and increments its value at every Do While . . . Loop cycle and its current value will be added to the Key (PID) value to make the Key-Value unique in the lvList.ListSubItems.Add() method.

The first column’s ListItems.Add() Method Syntax is as given below:

‘lvList.ListItems.Add Index,Key,Text,Icon,SmallIcon

Set tmpLItem = lvList.ListItems.Add(, strPKey, strProduct, , 3)

The above statement is similar to the TreeView Node’s Add method.  The tmpLItem is declared as a ListItem Object and holds the added ListItem’s reference so that it can be used for adding its ListSubItems.

The lvList.ListSubItems.Add()  Method Syntax is slightly different as given below. The Syntax shown is for the second .ListSubItems.Add() method with the second parameter value strPKey & Cstr(intCount + 1).  The first ListSubItems.Add() method will have the Key Value as strPKey & Cstr(intCount).

‘tmpLItem.ListSubItems.Add Index, Key, Text, ReportIcon, ToolTipText

tmpLItem.ListSubItems.Add 2, strPKey & CStr(intCount + 1), Format(rst![List Price], "0.00"), 6, "In Local Currency."

The ListSubItem’s Add method has ReportIcon and TooltipText as the last two parameters.  We have used the Tooltip-Text parameter value for the last column only.

NB: The values loaded into Columns and all other settings related to that will work only when you select the View Option – 3 (lvwReport) except in the first column.  Otherwise, they are all ignored.

The Tooltip text is displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over the last column.

In all three columns (ListItems & ListSubItems) Add() method uses the same record PID Value as Key.  Since, different columns of the same record require a unique ID Value as Key the intCount Variable value has been incremented by one, for ListSubItems and converted into a string then added with the PID field value.

This way the selected Category item-related Product Records are all listed in the ListView Control.

Separate Form to Display full Product Record Details.

Since the lvProducts Table has more fields and values, than what we could display on the ListView Control, the ListView item Click Event will open a separate Form ProductDetails and displays the full record details.

The image of the Form with all details of the selected product record is given below:

The ListView0_Click() Event Procedure.

Private Sub ListView0_Click()
Dim lvKey As String, lvLong As Long
Dim Criterion As String

lvKey = lvList.SelectedItem.Key
lvLong = Val(Mid(lvKey, 2))

DoCmd.OpenForm "ProductDetails", , , , , , lvLong

End Sub

The ListView0_Click() Event extracts the Product’s Key-Value and passes it to the Form as an Open Argument (OpenArgs).

The ProductDetails Form.

In the Form_Open() Event Procedure, the OpenArgs value has been used to create a Filter Criteria to filter the source records and display them on the Form.

The Product Details Form Module Code listing:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim lngID As Long
lngID = Nz(Me.OpenArgs, 0)
If lngID > 0 Then
    Me.Filter = "id = " & lngID
    Me.FilterOn = True
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
With Me
    .Filter = ""
    .FilterOn = False
End With
End Sub

The ProductDetails Form's source data comes from the filtered records, based on the PID (Product ID) Code passed to the Form through the OpenArgs.  The Original Products Table was downloaded from the NorthWind.accdb database and renamed as ProductsNew.

Hope you enjoyed doing the ListView Control Project.  More to come with the ListView Control.

Download the Demo Database from the Link, given below, and happy List Viewing.

Demo Database Download.

  1. ROUNDDOWN Function of Excel
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