Introduction - Access2003.
Two Message Box images are shown above. The left side Message Box is the default style of MS-Access and the one on the right side, with the Office-Cat image below, is created in Ms-Access with the use of Office Assistant in VBA Programs. The new programs use the default Office Assistant’s features for Message Boxes. You can change the Animation character from the Tools Menu. Adding a few VBA Functions in your MS-Access Project enables you to make use of this feature, wherever you need them in your programs.
Some frequently used message box functions are created as user-defined functions, with the use of Office Assistant, separately for ease of use in your programs, limiting the Number of Parameters required for these Functions is only two. The first Parameter is for the Message Text and the second one for the title. The 2nd Parameter is Optional and it can be omitted if it is not important. Button Type and Icon Type (the question mark shown on the left top corner of both message boxes) change depending on the type of message box. Default values of these features are already added to the Function. The following user-defined functions are available and their usage Syntax is as shown below:
MsgOK("Message Text","Title") - MessageBox with only OK Button
MsgYN("Message Text","Title") - MessageBox with Yes & No Buttons. Returned Value is vbYes or vbNo
MsgOKCL("Message Text","Title") - MessageBox with OK and Cancel Buttons. Returned Value is vbOK or vbCancel
The function names shown above give an indication of what type of Command Buttons will appear in the message box and which values are returned from User responses.
Essential Library Files
First of all, you must attach the Microsoft Office 9.0 Object Library files (or whatever version of Office you have) to your Project. This is required to make use of Office Assistant features in your programs. You must add other essential Library Files (additional VBA functions that are not attached to Ms-Access by default) to your Project as well. Please refer to my earlier post, Command-Button Animation for a list of Library Files and procedures explaining how to attach them to your Project. After attaching the library files, copy the following Code into a Global Module and save them:
Public Function MsgOK(ByVal strmsg As String, Optional ByVal strHeading As String) As Integer On Error resume next MsgOK = MsgBalun(strmsg, strHeading, msoButtonSetOK, msoAnimationGestureUp, msoIconAlertInfo) End Function
Public Function MsgOKCL(ByVal strmsg As String, Optional ByVal strHeading As String) As Integer On Error Resume Next MsgOKCL = MsgBalun(strmsg, strHeading, msoButtonSetOkCancel, msoAnimationWritingNotingSomething, msoIconAlertQuery) End Function
Public Function MsgYN(ByVal strmsg As String, Optional ByVal strHeading As String) As Integer on error resume next MsgYN = MsgBalun(strmsg, strHeading, msoButtonSetYesNo, msoAnimationWritingNotingSomething, msoIconAlertQuery) End Function
Private Function MsgBalun(ByVal strText As String, ByVal strTitle As String, ByVal lngButtons As Long, ByVal intAnimation, ByVal intIcon) As Integer '------------------------------------------------------------ 'Author : a.p.r. pillai 'Date : September 2006 'Rights : All Rights Reserved by '------------------------------------------------------------ Dim lngx As Long, intVal As Integer, Balu As Balloon On Error GoTo MsgBaloons_Err With Assistant If .On = False Then .On = True '.FileName = "OFFCAT.acs" .Animation = msoAnimationGetAttentionMinor .AssistWithHelp = True .GuessHelp = True .FeatureTips = False .Visible = True End If End With Set Balu = Assistant.NewBalloon With Balu .Animation = intAnimation .Icon = intIcon .Heading = strTitle .Text = strText .BalloonType = msoBalloonTypeButtons .Button = lngButtons Select Case Balu.Show Case msoBalloonButtonOK MsgBalun = vbOK Case msoBalloonButtonCancel MsgBalun = vbCancel Case msoBalloonButtonYes MsgBalun = vbYes Case msoBalloonButtonNo MsgBalun = vbNo End Select End With Assistant.Visible = False MsgBaloons_Exit: Exit Function MsgBaloons_Err: MsgBox Err.Description, , "MsgBaloons" Resume MsgBaloons_Exit End Function
You can use these Functions without bothering about selecting the Button-Type, IconType, etc. that you normally need to give along with the Message Box Command like:
Usage Example:
If MsgYN("Select Yes to Proceed, No to Cancel.","cmdProcess") = vbYes then Docmd.runmacro "Process" End if
The second Parameter Title is omitted in the second example.
If MsgYN("Select Yes to Proceed, No to Cancel.") = vbYes then Docmd.runmacro "Process" End if
Testing the Code
You can type any of the above commands in the Debug Window and press Enter Key, like the sample given below, to test the commands before using them in your programs:
MsgOK "System is preparing to shut down","cmdExit_Click"
MsgOK "System is preparing to shut down"
The MsgBalun() Function is not directly used in programs.
Implement the procedures in your Project and try them out.

This is great and I use it for some of my msg boxes but I would like to know how to use this with an input box lets say for a password protected button to open a form. Can someone explain in detail due to im a neeb...