After designing and working with a Form Wizard it is natural to think about designing a Report Wizard too. The designing task of a Form and Report is almost the same, except Page Footer, with Page Number and date.
If you have gone through the designing task of the Form Wizard then you don't have to do it again. Please go through the earlier Post: The Custom-made Form Wizard to understand the designing steps of the Form Wizard or to download it from there.
Designing Report Wizard.
Do the following few simple steps and the Report-Wizard is ready:
- Make a copy of the Form Wizard and rename it as ReportWizard.
Open the ReportWizard in Design View.
Change the List Box and Combo Box headings to read as Report Format and Select Table/Query for Report respectively.
Change the word 'Form' to Report in the left side labels.
Display the Code Module of the ReportWizard by selecting View - ->Code (or Alt+F11).
Press Ctrl+A to select the entire code in the Form Module and press Delete Key to delete the Code.
Copy and Paste the code given below into the ReportWizard Form Module and save the Form:
Report Wizard VBA Code
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Dim DarkBlue As Long, twips As Long, xtyp As Integer, strFile As String Dim MaxSeq As Integer Private Sub cmdBack_Click() Me.Page1.Visible = True Me.Page1.SetFocus Me.Page2.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.NAME End Sub Private Sub cmdCancel2_Click() DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.NAME End Sub Private Sub cmdForm_Click() If xtyp = 1 Then Columns Else Tabular End If DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.NAME cmdForm_Click_Exit: Exit Sub cmdForm_Click_Err: MsgBox Err.Description, , "cmdForm_Click" Resume cmdForm_Click_Exit End Sub Private Sub cmdNext_Click() Dim vizlist As ListBox, lcount As Integer, chkflag As Boolean Dim FildList As ListBox, strName As String, strRSource As String Dim cdb As Database, doc As Document Dim Tbl As TableDef, Qry As QueryDef, QryTyp As Integer Dim flag As Byte, FieldCount As Integer, j As Integer On Error GoTo cmdNext_Click_Err Set vizlist = Me.WizListlcount = vizlist.listcount - 1 chkflag = False For j = 0 To lcount If vizlist.Selected(j) = True Then xtyp = j + 1 chkflag = True End If Next If IsNull(Me![FilesList]) = True Then MsgBox "Select a File from Table/Query List. ", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "cmdNext" Me.WizList.Selected(0) = True Else strFile = Me!FilesList Me.Page2.Visible = True Me.Page2.SetFocus Me.Page1.Visible = False Set cdb = CurrentDb flag = 0 For Each Tbl In cdb.TableDefs If Tbl.NAME = strFile Then flag = 1 End If Next For Each Qry In cdb.QueryDefs If Qry.NAME = strFile Then flag = 2 End If Next If flag = 1 Then Set Tbl = cdb.TableDefs(strFile) Set FildList = Me.FldList strRSource = "" FieldCount = Tbl.Fields.Count - 1 For j = 0 To FieldCount If Len(strRSource) = 0 Then strRSource = Tbl.Fields(j).NAME Else strRSource = strRSource & ";" & Tbl.Fields(j).NAME End If Next ElseIf flag = 2 Then Set Qry = cdb.QueryDefs(strFile) strRSource = "" FieldCount = Qry.Fields.Count - 1 For j = 0 To FieldCount If Len(strRSource) = 0 Then strRSource = Qry.Fields(j).NAME Else strRSource = strRSource & ";" & Qry.Fields(j).NAME End If Next End If Me.FldList.RowSource = strRSource End If cmdNext_Click_Exit: Exit Sub cmdNext_Click_Err: MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description, , "cmdNext_Click" Resume cmdNext_Click_Exit End Sub Private Sub FilesList_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer) 'Not in List End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim strRSource As String, FList As ComboBox Dim cdb As Database, MaxTables As Integer, rst As Recordset Dim Tbl As TableDef, Qry As QueryDef, fld As Field Dim j As Integer, strSQL1 As String, rstcount As Integer Dim MaxSeq As Integer, mMax On Error Resume Next strSQL1 = "SELECT MSysObjects.Name " & " FROM MSysObjects " & " WHERE (((MSysObjects.Type)=1 Or (MSysObjects.Type)=5) " & "AND ((Left([Name],4))'WizQ') AND ((Left([Name],1))'~') " & "AND ((MSysObjects.Flags)=0)) " & " ORDER BY MSysObjects.Type, MSysObjects.Name; " mMax = 100 DoCmd.Restore DarkBlue = 8388608 twips = 1440 Set cdb = CurrentDb Set Qry = cdb.QueryDefs("WizQuery") If Err = 3265 Then Set Qry = cdb.CreateQueryDef("WizQuery") Qry.sql = strSQL1 cdb.QueryDefs.Append Qry cdb.QueryDefs.Refresh Err.Clear End If Me.FilesList.RowSource = "WizQuery"Me.FilesList.Requery Form_Open_Exit: Exit Sub Form_Open_Err: MsgBox Err & ": " & Err.Description, , "Form_Open" Resume Form_Open_Exit End Sub Private Sub cmdLeft_Click() LeftAll 1 End Sub Private Sub cmdLeftAll_Click() LeftAll 2 End Sub Private Sub cmdright_Click() RightAll 1 End Sub Private Sub cmdRightAll_Click() RightAll 2 End Sub
Create Left-side ListBox Items.
Private Function LeftAll(ByVal SelectionType As Integer) Dim FldList As ListBox, SelctList As ListBox, strRSource As String Dim listcount As Long, j As Long, strRS2 As String On Error GoTo LeftAll_Err If SelectionType = 0 Then Exit Function End If Set FldList = Me.FldListSet SelctList = Me.SelList listcount = SelctList.listcount - 1 strRSource = FldList.RowSource: strRS2 = "" Select Case SelectionType Case 1 For j = 0 To listcount If SelctList.Selected(j) = True Then If Len(strRSource) = 0 Then strRSource = SelctList.ItemData(j) Else strRSource = strRSource & ";" & SelctList.ItemData(j) End If Else If Len(strRS2) = 0 Then strRS2 = SelctList.ItemData(j) Else strRS2 = strRS2 & ";" & SelctList.ItemData(j) End If End If Next SelctList.RowSource = strRS2 FldList.RowSource = strRSource SelctList.Requery FldList.Requery Case 2 For j = 0 To listcount If Len(strRSource) = 0 Then strRSource = SelctList.ItemData(j) Else strRSource = strRSource & ";" & SelctList.ItemData(j) End If Next SelctList.RowSource = "" FldList.RowSource = strRSource SelctList.Requery FldList.RequeryEnd Select LeftAll_Exit: Exit Function LeftAll_Err: MsgBox Err.Description, , "LeftAll" Resume LeftAll_Exit End Function
Create Right-side ListBox Items.
Private Function RightAll(ByVal SelectionType As Integer) Dim FldList As ListBox, SelctList As ListBox, strRSource As String Dim listcount As Long, j As Long, strRS2 As String On Error GoTo RightAll_Err If SelectionType = 0 Then Exit Function End If Set FldList = Me.FldListSet SelctList = Me.SelList listcount = FldList.listcount - 1 strRSource = SelctList.RowSource: strRS2 = "" Select Case SelectionType Case 1 For j = 0 To listcount If FldList.Selected(j) = True Then If Len(strRSource) = 0 Then strRSource = FldList.ItemData(j) Else strRSource = strRSource & ";" & FldList.ItemData(j) End If Else If Len(strRS2) = 0 Then strRS2 = FldList.ItemData(j) Else strRS2 = strRS2 & ";" & FldList.ItemData(j) End If End If Next SelctList.RowSource = strRSource FldList.RowSource = strRS2 SelctList.Requery FldList.Requery Case 2 For j = 0 To listcount If Len(strRSource) = 0 Then strRSource = FldList.ItemData(j) Else strRSource = strRSource & ";" & FldList.ItemData(j) End If Next SelctList.RowSource = strRSource FldList.RowSource = "" SelctList.Requery FldList.Requery End Select RightAll_Exit: Exit Function RightAll_Err: MsgBox Err.Description, , "RightAll" Resume RightAll_Exit End Function
Create Report In Tabular Format.
Public Function Tabular() Dim cdb As Database, FldList() As String, Ctrl As Control Dim Rpt As Report, lngTxtLeft As Long, lngTxtTop As Long, lngTxtHeight As Long Dim Rpttemp As Report, lngLblleft As Long, lngLblTop As Long, lngLblheight As Long Dim lngtxtwidth As Long, lnglblwidth As Long, FldCheck As Boolean Dim strTblQry As String, intflds As Integer, lstcount As Long Dim RptFields As ListBox, j As Integer, mMax Dim PgSection As Section, DetSection As Section 'Create Report with Selected Fields On Error Resume Next Set RptFields = Me.SelList lstcount = RptFields.listcount If lstcount = 0 Then MsgBox "Fields Not Selected for Report! " Exit Function Else lstcount = lstcount - 1 End If ReDim FldList(0 To lstcount) As String Set cdb = CurrentDb Set Rpt = CreateReport Set PgSection = Rpt.Section(acPageHeader) PgSection.Height = 0.6667 * twips Set DetSection = Rpt.Section(acDetail) DetSection.Height = 0.1667 * twips For j = 0 To lstcount FldList(j) = RptFields.ItemData(j) Next With Rpt .Caption = strFile .RecordSource = strFile lngtxtwidth = 0.5 * twips lngTxtLeft = 0.073 * twips lngTxtTop = 0 lngTxtHeight = 0.1668 * twips lnglblwidth = lngtxtwidth lngLblleft = lngTxtLeft lngLblTop = 0.5 * twips lngLblheight = lngTxtHeight End With For j = 0 To lstcount Set Ctrl = CreateReportControl(Rpt.NAME, acTextBox, acDetail, , FldList(j), lngTxtLeft, lngTxtTop, lngtxtwidth, lngTxtHeight) With Ctrl .ControlSource = FldList(j) .ForeColor = DarkBlue .BorderColor = DarkBlue .BorderStyle = 1 .NAME = FldList(j) lngTxtLeft = lngTxtLeft + (0.5 * twips) End With Set Ctrl = CreateReportControl(Rpt.NAME, acLabel, acPageHeader, , FldList(j), lngLblleft, lngLblTop, lnglblwidth, lngLblheight) With Ctrl .Caption = FldList(j) .NAME = FldList(j) & " Label" .Width = (0.5 * twips) .ForeColor = DarkBlue .BorderColor = DarkBlue .BorderColor = 0 .BorderStyle = 1 .FontWeight = 700 ' Bold lngLblleft = lngLblleft + (0.5 * twips) End With Next lnglblwidth = 4.5 * twips lngLblleft = 0.073 * twips lngLblTop = 0.0521 * twips lngLblheight = 0.323 * twips lnglblwidth = 4.5 * twips Set Ctrl = CreateReportControl(Rpt.NAME, acLabel, acPageHeader, , "Head1", lngLblleft, lngLblTop, lnglblwidth, lngLblheight) With Ctrl .Caption = strFile .TextAlign = 2 .Width = 4.5 * twips .Height = 0.38 * twips .ForeColor = DarkBlue .BorderStyle = 0 .BorderColor = DarkBlue .FontName = "Times New Roman" .FontSize = 16 .FontWeight = 700 ' Bold .FontItalic = True .FontUnderline = True End With On Error GoTo Tabular_Err Page_Footer Rpt DoCmd.OpenReport Rpt.NAME, acViewPreview Tabular_Exit: Exit Function Tabular_Err: MsgBox Err.Description, , "Tabular" Resume Tabular_ExitEnd Function
Create Report In Columns Format.
Public Function Columns() Dim cdb As Database, FldList() As String, Ctrl As Control Dim Rpt As Report, lngTxtLeft As Long, lngTxtTop As Long, lngTxtHeight As Long Dim lngLblleft As Long, lngLblTop As Long, lngLblheight As Long Dim lngtxtwidth As Long, lnglblwidth As Long, FldCheck As Boolean Dim strTblQry As String, intflds As Integer, lstcount As Long Dim FrmFields As ListBox, j As Integer, mMax Dim HdSection As Section, DetSection As Section 'Create Report with Selected Fields On Error Resume Next Set FrmFields = Me.SelList lstcount = FrmFields.listcount If lstcount = 0 Then MsgBox "Fields Not Selected for Report! " Exit Function Else lstcount = lstcount - 1 End If ReDim FldList(0 To lstcount) As String Set cdb = CurrentDb Set Rpt = CreateReport Set HdSection = Rpt.Section(acPageHeader) HdSection.Height = 0.6667 * twips Set DetSection = Rpt.Section(acDetail) DetSection.Height = 0.166 * twips For j = 0 To lstcount FldList(j) = FrmFields.ItemData(j) Next With Rpt .Caption = strFile .RecordSource = strFile lngtxtwidth = 1.5 * twips lngTxtLeft = 1.1 * twips lngTxtTop = 0.0417 * twips lngTxtHeight = 0.2181 * twips lnglblwidth = lngtxtwidth lngLblleft = 0.073 * twips lngLblTop = 0.0417 * twips lngLblheight = 0.2181 * twips End With For j = 0 To lstcount Set Ctrl = CreateReportControl(Rpt.NAME, acTextBox, acDetail, , FldList(j), lngTxtLeft, lngTxtTop, lngtxtwidth, lngTxtHeight) With Ctrl .ControlSource = FldList(j) .FontName = "Verdana" .FontSize = 8 .FontWeight = 700 .ForeColor = DarkBlue .BorderColor = DarkBlue .NAME = FldList(j) .BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255) .BorderStyle = 1 .SpecialEffect = 0 If (j / 9) = 1 Or (j / 9) = 2 Or (j / 9) = 3 Then lngTxtTop = (0.0417 * twips) lngTxtLeft = lngTxtLeft + (2.7084 * twips) Else lngTxtTop = lngTxtTop + .Height + (0.1 * twips) End If End With Set Ctrl = CreateReportControl(Rpt.NAME, acLabel, acDetail, FldList(j), FldList(j), lngLblleft, lngLblTop, lnglblwidth, lngLblheight) With Ctrl .Caption = FldList(j) .Height = (0.2181 * twips) .NAME = FldList(j) & " Label" .Width = twips .ForeColor = 0 .BorderStyle = 0 .FontWeight = 400 If (j / 9) = 1 Or (j / 9) = 2 Or (j / 9) = 3 Then lngLblTop = (0.0417 * twips) lngLblleft = lngLblleft + (2.7083 * twips) Else lngLblTop = lngLblTop + .Height + (0.1 * twips) End If End With Next lnglblwidth = 4.5 * twips lngLblleft = 0.073 * twips lngLblTop = 0.0521 * twips lngLblheight = 0.323 * twips lnglblwidth = 4.5 * twips Set Ctrl = CreateReportControl(Rpt.NAME, acLabel, acPageHeader, , "Head1", lngLblleft, lngLblTop, lnglblwidth, lngLblheight) With Ctrl .Caption = strFile .TextAlign = 2 .Width = 4.5 * twips .Height = 0.38 * twips .ForeColor = DarkBlue .BorderStyle = 0 .BorderColor = DarkBlue .FontName = "Times New Roman" .FontSize = 20 .FontWeight = 700 ' Bold .FontItalic = True .FontUnderline = True End With DoCmd.OpenReport Rpt.NAME, acViewPreview Columns_Exit: Exit Function Columns_Err: MsgBox Err.Description, , "Columns" Resume Columns_Exit End Function
Create Report's Page-Footer Contents.
Public Function Page_Footer(ByRef obj) Dim lngWidth As Long, ctrwidth As Long, ctrlCount As Long Dim j As Long, cdb As Database Dim lngleft As Long, lngtop As Long, LineCtrl As Control, Ctrl As Control Dim rptSection As Section, leftmost As Long, lngheight As Long Dim rightmost As Long, RightIndx As Integer 'Note : The Controls appearing in Detail Section from left to Right ' is not indexed 0 to nn in the order of placing, ' instead 1st control placed in the Section has index value 0 ' irrespective of its current position. On Error GoTo Page_Footer_Err Set cdb = CurrentDb Set rptSection = obj.Section(acDetail) ctrlCount = rptSection.Controls.Count - 1 lngleft = rptSection.Controls(0).Left rightmost = rptSection.Controls(0).Left 'indexed 0 control may not be the leftmost control on the Form/Report 'so find the leftmost control's left value For j = 0 To ctrlCount leftmost = rptSection.Controls(j).Left If leftmost < lngleft Then lngleft = leftmost End If If leftmost > rightmost Then rightmost = leftmost RightIndx = j End If Next lngtop = 0.0208 * 1440 lngWidth = 0: ctrwidth = 0 lngWidth = rightmost + rptSection.Controls(RightIndx).Width lngWidth = lngWidth - lngleft Set LineCtrl = CreateReportControl(obj.NAME, acLine, acPageFooter, "", "", lngleft, lngtop, lngWidth, 0) Set Ctrl = LineCtrl LineCtrl.BorderColor = 12632256 LineCtrl.BorderWidth = 2 LineCtrl.NAME = "ULINE" lngtop = 0.0418 * 1440 lngleft = LineCtrl.Left lngWidth = 2 * 1440 lngheight = 0.229 * 1440 'draw PageNo control at the Report footer Set LineCtrl = CreateReportControl(obj.NAME, acTextBox, acPageFooter, "", "", lngleft, lngtop, lngWidth, lngheight) With LineCtrl .ControlSource = "='Page : ' & [page] & ' / ' & [pages] " .NAME = "PageNo" .FontName = "Verdana" .FontSize = 10 .FontWeight = 700 .TextAlign = 1 End With 'draw Date Control at the right edge of the Line Control 'calculate left position of Date control lngleft = (LineCtrl.Left + Ctrl.Width) - lngWidth Set LineCtrl = CreateReportControl(obj.NAME, acTextBox, acPageFooter, "", "", lngleft, lngtop, lngWidth, lngheight) With LineCtrl .ControlSource = "='Date : ' & Format(Date(),'dd/mm/yyyy') " .NAME = "Dated" .FontName = "Verdana" .FontSize = 10 .FontWeight = 700 .TextAlign = 3 End With Page_Footer_Exit: Exit Function Page_Footer_Err: MsgBox Err.Description, "Page_Footer" Resume Page_Footer_Exit End Function
Try out the Report Wizard.
- Open the ReportWizard in Normal View.
- Select a Table or Query from the Combo Box.
- Select the Tabular Wizard option from above.
- Click OK to load the selected Table/Query Field List and open the List of Fields.
- Select the Fields for the Report from the List Box.
- Click Finish to create the Report.
Normally, after creating the Report we need to modify the Detail Section Controls to make their sizes according to the data type and field sizes. After these changes, the Report Footer created by the Wizard may not match with the modification that we have made. But, we already have a solution for this in an earlier post with the Title: Draw Page Border. One of the following two Programs presented there can be used for drawing a new Page Footer (after deleting the existing Page Footer) or to resize it after changes are made to the Detail Section Controls.
- DrawPageFooter()
- ReSizePageFooter()
There are other Reports related to Functions also presented there to make Report Designing tasks easier. You may take a look at them as well.
You can create beautiful 3D Headings on the Report or Form with Labels or Text Boxes (Text Box values can be drawn from data Fields). Take a look at the sample Report Headings created with a 3D-Text Creation Wizard:
The following four posts are dedicated to 3D Text Styles and you can download the 3D-Text Wizard from any of them:
After creating the 3D-Text you can customize it by changing the Fonts, Fore-Color, and Styles like Bold, Italics, or Underline.
Download Custom Report Wizard

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