In our earlier example, Working with Access Graph Chart in VBA, we have made preparations to try out MS Access Charts with VBA and did sample Runs for three Types of Charts viz. Column Clustered, Line Chart, and Pie Chart. If you have landed on this page for the first time you may go to the earlier post by clicking on the link above. Go through the simple preparations explained there, by following Steps 2 to 7, to try out the code given here.
Earlier, we could change the Chart type through Code to one of three types with common property settings that can be applied to all three. But we have conditionally skipped some properties not relevant to PIE Chart, like Chart Axis Titles. We will deal with the PIE Chart separately later and will see how to format individual Pie Slices and change other settings as well.
Here, we will try only one Category of Charts viz. Column Chart Type and will run the Code for 4 different designs. This type of Chart with vertical Bars is the most commonly used Chart and is loosely referred to as a bar chart. The Category Description of the Values plotted on the chart are placed horizontally along the X-Axis, below the chart and the Chart Scale is calculated automatically and placed vertically on the left side of the Chart (on the Primary Y-Axis) with fixed intervals of values. This can be set manually too if needed.
When very small Values are plotted along with large values on the Chart the variations of the small values over a period of time may not be clearly visible and may become difficult to differentiate one value from the other. In such situations, the small value Series can be plotted on the Secondary Y-Axis (right-side vertical axis) and the variations in the values will be clearly visible. With the help of data labels, the values on the chart become more meaningful and easily analyzable.
When 3D Chart Type is selected Y-Axis gives way to Z-Axis for displaying Tick Labels and Axis Titles. The Charts with Horizontal Bars are the real Bar Charts.
Sample Demo Run Code
We have created options in the Code to run for the following Options:
- Column Clustered.
- Column Clustered (Reverse Plot Order - flipped upside down)
- 3D Column Clustered.
- 3D Column Stacked.
There are optional properties in this Code that you can use to change the shape of the Bars to Cone or Cylinder.
In this example, we are turning On the HasDatatable Property of Chart Object that will display the Source Data Table on the Chart. The X-Axis Category Labels Qrtrl to Qrtr4 becomes part of the Data Table display and if we attempt to use the X-Axis Tick-Label Property to set Font or Font Size we will run into errors. We have used it conditionally without eliminating the code altogether so that you will know the difference.
DataLabels Orientation Property gives us the ability to display the Data Labels tilted to a specified Angle in Degrees, besides normal Horizontal or Vertical formats. To try out the examples do the following:
The VBA Code
- Copy and Paste the following code into a Global Module of your Database and save it. If you have already gone through the earlier Post and gone through Step-2 to 7 then you are ready to run the Code.
Public Function ColumnChart(ByVal ReportName As String, ByVal ChartObjectName As String) '--------------------------------------------------- 'Author : a.p.r. pillai 'Date : June-2008 'URL : 'Customized Source Code : from Microsoft Access Help '--------------------------------------------------- Dim Rpt As Report, grphChart As Object Dim msg As String, lngType As Long, cr As String Dim ctype As String, typ As Integer, j As Integer Dim db As Database, rst As Recordset, recSource As String Dim colmCount As Integer, chartType(1 To 6) As String Const twips As Long = 1440 On Error GoTo ColumnChart_Err chartType(1) = "Clustered Column" chartType(2) = "Reverse Plot Order" chartType(3) = "3D Clustered Column" chartType(4) = "3D Stacked Column" chartType(5) = "Quit" chartType(6) = "Select 1-4, 5 to Cancel" cr = vbCr & vbCr msg = "" For j = 1 To 6 msg = msg & j & ". " & chartType(j) & cr Next ctype = "": typ = 0 Do While typ < 1 Or typ > 4 ctype = InputBox(msg, "Select Chart Type") If Len(ctype) = 0 Then typ = 0 Else typ = Val(ctype) End If Loop Select Case typ Case 5 Exit Function Case 1,2 lngType = xlColumnClustered Case 3 lngType = xl3DColumnClustered Case 4 lngType = xl3DColumnStacked End Select DoCmd.OpenReport ReportName, acViewDesign Set Rpt = Reports(ReportName) Set grphChart = Rpt(ChartObjectName) grphChart.RowSourceType = "Table/Query" recSource = grphChart.RowSource If Len(recSource) = 0 Then MsgBox "RowSource value not set, aborted." Exit Function End If 'get number of columns in chart table/Query Set db = CurrentDb Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(recSource) colmCount = rst.Fields.Count rst.Close With grphChart .ColumnCount = colmCount .SizeMode = 3 .Left = 0.2917 * twips .Top = 0.2708 * twips .Width = 5 * twips .Height = 4 * twips End With grphChart.Activate 'Chart type, Title, Legend, Datalabels,Data Table With grphChart .chartType = lngType If typ = 3 Or typ = 4 Then ' for 3D Charts only .RightAngleAxes = True .AutoScaling = True End If .HasLegend = True .HasTitle = True .ChartTitle.Font.Name = "Verdana" .ChartTitle.Font.Size = 14 .ChartTitle.Text = chartType(typ) & " Chart." .HasDataTable = True .ApplyDataLabels xlDataLabelsShowValue End With 'apply gradient color to Chart Series For j = 1 To grphChart.SeriesCollection.Count With grphChart.SeriesCollection(j) '.Interior.Color = RGB(Int(Rnd(j) * 200), Int(Rnd(j) * 150), Int(Rnd(j) * 175)) .Fill.OneColorGradient msoGradientVertical, 4, 0.231372549019608 .Fill.Visible = True .Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = Int(Rnd(Timer()) * 54) + 2 '.Barshape = xlCylinder ' xlCylinder, xlConeToPoint, xlBox, xlPiramidtoMax If typ = 1 Then .Interior.Color = msoGradientVertical End If .DataLabels.Font.Size = 10 .DataLabels.Font.Color = 3 If typ = 1 Then .DataLabels.Orientation = xlUpward Else '.DataLabels.Orientation = xlHorizontal .DataLabels.Orientation = 45 'titlted angle in degrees End If End With Next 'Y-Axis /(Z-Axis for 3D)Title With grphChart.Axes(xlValue) If typ = 2 Then .ReversePlotOrder = True 'flips upside down Else .ReversePlotOrder = False End If .HasTitle = True .HasMajorGridlines = True With .AxisTitle .Caption = "Values in '000s" .Font.Name = "Verdana" .Font.Size = 12 .Orientation = xlUpward End With End With 'X-Axis Title With grphChart.Axes(xlCategory) .HasTitle = True .HasMajorGridlines = True .MajorGridlines.Border.Color = RGB(0, 0, 255) .MajorGridlines.Border.LineStyle = xlDash With .AxisTitle .Caption = "Quarterly" .Font.Name = "Verdana" .Font.Size = 10 .Font.Bold = True .Orientation = xlHorizontal End With End With 'Primary Y/Z Axis values label's font size With grphChart.Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary) .TickLabels.Font.Size = 10 End With 'X-Axis category Labels (Qrtr1, Qrtr2...) If grphChart.HasDataTable = False Then With grphChart.Axes(xlCategory) .TickLabels.Font.Size = 8 End With Else grphChart.DataTable.Font.Size = 9 End If 'Chart Area Border With grphChart .ChartArea.Border.LineStyle = xlDash .PlotArea.Border.LineStyle = xlDot .Legend.Font.Size = 10 End With 'Chart Area Fill with Gradient Color With grphChart.ChartArea.Fill .Visible = True .ForeColor.SchemeColor = 2 .BackColor.SchemeColor = 19 .TwoColorGradient msoGradientHorizontal, 2 End With 'Plot Area fill with Gradient Color With grphChart.PlotArea.Fill .Visible = True .ForeColor.SchemeColor = 2 .BackColor.SchemeColor = 42 .TwoColorGradient msoGradientHorizontal, 1 End With grphChart.Deselect DoCmd.Close acReport, ReportName, acSaveYes DoCmd.OpenReport ReportName, acViewPreview ColumnChart_Exit: Exit Function ColumnChart_Err: MsgBox Err.Description, , "ColumnChart()" Resume ColumnChart_Exit End Function
Preparing for Demo Run
- Insert a new MS-Office Graph Chart Object on a new Report, change the basic property values as given in the earlier Article (Working with Graph Chart in VBA) and save the Report with the name myReport2. We can use the same Table that we have created for earlier examples.
NB: Always create a new Chart Object for a new set of examples rather than using the same Chart created earlier. Some property changes were found shown incorrectly when re-used for different Chart Types.
The Code can be tested either by running from a Command Button Click Event Procedure or directly from the Debug Window (Immediate Window). Press Alt+F11 to open VBA Window, press Ctrl+G for Debug Window and type the following command and press Enter Key.
ColumnChart "myReport2", "Chart1"
- A menu will appear with four Column Chart Options. Type 1 in the Text Box and press the Enter key to run the first option.
The Program Opens the Report myReport2 in Design View, modifies the Chart Properties, saves the Report with the Chart, and then re-opens it in Print Preview. A sample run image is given below.
- Run the program again and this time select Option number 2.
In this run, we are setting the ReversePlotOrder property value to True to Flip the Chart upside down. The sample image is given below.
Every time when you run the Code, the Colors are selected in Random order from the Color Chart given in the earlier Post (Working with Graph Chart in VBA) and will display the Chart Bars differently.
Saving the Report with the Chart.
If you plan to save the Chart and don't like the Color combination currently displayed you may run the option more than once till you get the color combination to your liking. If you want to save the current run of the Chart you may make a copy of the Report or Export the Report into MS-Access Snapshot Viewer Format (MS-Access 2000 or later).
Chart Area and Plot Area are set with light Gradient Color so that they will look better when printed.
Sample Run of Option 3.
Sample Run of Option 4.
In Option 3 and 4 Runs you can see that the Plot Area of the Chart is extended to display the Data Table and X-Axis Title. But, in the first two runs, these are appearing outside the Plot Area.
Saving PowerPoint Presentations.
You can copy and paste the finished Chart into PowerPoint Presentations. Before transporting the Chart to the PowerPoint page, copy and paste the Values from the Table into the Data Grid of the Chart so that you can edit the values in PowerPoint itself if needed.
- Double-Click on the Chart Object in Report Design View to activate the Chart and to display the Data Grid.
- Open the Table in Datasheet-View, and click on the left top corner of the Table to highlight all the records.
- Select Copy from Edit Menu.
- Right-Click on the left-top corner cell of the Data Grid and select Paste from the displayed Shortcut Menu.
Download the Demo Database.

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